Carte Blanche to Matth Velvet

At la maison Frugès - Le Corbusier. Pessac.
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Carte blanche given to the cité Frugès - Le Corbusier in Pessac in Gironde, as part of the OUVRAGE exhibition.
The model house of the city will undergo major work with the aim of giving this building - the showcase of the district classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO - the face it should have had if the architectural principles of Le Corbusier had been applied.
Before a major renovation lasting at least nine months, which will be the culmination of the 100 years of the city, the Frugès - Le Corbusier house in Pessac will host three artists for four months: the painter Matth Velvet, the visual artist Alice Raymond and the sculptor Pierre Labat.
Until April 30, 2022, the exhibition OUVRAGE offers a unique and sensitive experience linking the respective worlds of Matth Velvet, Alice Raymond and Pierre Labat and brings their works into dialogue with the architecture of the Maison Frugès - Le Corbusier.
The skyscraper-like building, owned by the city of Pessac, is a place of meditation dedicated to the work of architectural design and therefore the preferred place to unite the aesthetics of Matth Velvet, which he defends, with those of Le Corbusier in the Frugès town.
February 8, 2022
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