Franck Noto au Musée Fabre


→ Inforamtions:


In December 2019, Franck Noto was invited to the Fabre Museum to celebrate the 100th birthday of Pierre Soulages. The Montpellier museum, which boasts more than thirty-four major paintings by the Rodez native (covering the period from 1951 to 2012), had the audacity to invite a graffiti artist to celebrate one of the leading figures of French contemporary art.


This is an opportunity to establish a dialogue between two universes that are often opposed but between which bridges are nevertheless established. Céline Peyre, Director of Publics at the Fabre Museum, has kindly written a text on this subject for the catalogue of Franck Noto's solo exhibition "Traits de caractère", which can be seen until 19 December 2020.



"In December 2019, for the 100th birthday of Pierre Soulages, Franck Noto was invites to the Fabre Museum in Montpellier to create a performative work. The idea was to mobilise the museum's visitors to tag a large-format work on the forecourt before entering the building.


The canvas, prepared with special "product" and backlit, was then installed in the Buren hall, inside the museum. In a choreographed gesture, the artist gradually removed the material to let the colour and light appear, in the manner of Pierre Soulages. Franck Noto embodies this generation of street artists who move the street to the museum in a strong artistic gesture; he uses the codes of the street but reinvents colour, format and line. This second wave of street artists does not imitate the old masters. Franck Noto interprets the lesson, digests it, makes it his own.


Bringing street art into the museum is to give it back a popular colour, accessible to all and above all a heritage colour. In a powerful desire for eternity, Franck Noto transforms his art, and is now concerned with the essential: the line and the energy, vibrating like a Frequency."


- Céline Peyre

Director of Publics, Musée Fabre, Montpellier (FR)

December 16, 2020
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