Ella & Pitr "À l'oeil nu"

Les géants endormis : photographies de l'exposition

→ Informations: info@lefeuvreroze.com


The exhibition "À l'œil nu" (With the naked eye) featuring the sleeping giants of Ella & Pitr will take place from 6 to 10 July 2019.

For the first time, you will be able to see the sleeping Giants of Ella & Pitr with the naked eye. Not through a screen - and we won't be taking you on a hot air balloon ride around the world either, unfortunately - but through pictures, vertically hanging on the walls.
For the first time, you will have the opportunity to acquire these giants so that you can be the only person to se them whenever you want, without having to connect to the internet or unlock your smartphone. You will finally be able to see them with the naked eye.
Yes, there is something frustrating about knowing that Ella & Pitr are creating huge paintings of several thousand square metres in the four corners of the world without ever being able to them while walking around... But that is precisely what Ella & Pitr do: producing paintings of unimaginable dimensions without imposing them to anyone. With this approach, Ella & Pitr once again prove their inventiveness as well as their finesse.
At a time when the only concerne of street artists is to quickly gets likes on Instagram, Ella & Pitr are content to know that their characters are there, in the heart of the cities, invisible. Peacefully asleep in the middle of the urban chaos. Obviously taking advantage of social networks, they communicate with theri fans, sporadically, informing them of their interventions in situ often several days or even weeks after they have taken place. All this is to fight against the immediacy imposed by these networks. And to slow down time even further, they never stop enlarging their family of old men and woman, weary and sleepy, resting, for example, on the edge of the Parisian highway.
An ode to taking time, illustrated by a new series of paintings on fabric. On pocket handkerchiefs to be precise. Where the artists link, the very small and the infinitely big, as they know how to do so well and even became their work's main characteristic.
July 10, 2019
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